Glary Tracks Eraser

Glary Tracks Eraser Privacy eraser app for Windows

User Interface Screenshots

Glary Tracks Eraser Abstract:

Glary Tracks Eraser is an easy-to-use free privacy protection tool that allows you to safely and completely erase all history tracks. It is a freeware track erasing application that's user friendly and well-designed.

Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:

Secure privacy by deleting all traces of activity from the local computer, such as temporary Internet files - Screenshot of Glary Tracks Eraser
Secure privacy by deleting all traces of activity from the local computer, such as temporary Internet files.
Screenshot of Glary Tracks Eraser - 2115px · 1532px
Delete computer activity traces - Screenshot of Glary Tracks Eraser
Delete computer activity traces.
Screenshot of Glary Tracks Eraser - 1653px · 1173px
Erase browsing tracks and action logs - Screenshot of Glary Tracks Eraser
Erase browsing tracks and action logs.
Screenshot of Glary Tracks Eraser - 1653px · 1173px